You are the coach and recruiter

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Maybe Pat is not the best coach to steal recruiting strategies from but I tend to agree with him, recruiting kids to play for you generally boil down to evaluating them in these 4 basic areas:

1) Character
2) Academic potential
3) Athletic prowess
4) Team contribution (always putting team first, maybe showing leadership capabilities)

So you are the coach for this mental exercise.  Your mission should you decide to accept it is to rank order these categories and assign an importance weight to each one.  Your weights are basically percentages so all must add up to 100.  In the real world, your recruiting strategy will no doubt have a lot of "flex" in it but you have to start somewhere.  I will start the ball rolling with mine:

Character (35)
Athletic (30)
Teammate (25)
Academic (10)

I guess I sort of see the things nearer the top as being the things that are probably most set in stone or would be most difficult for me to to control.  I generally cannot make a guy quicker but I might be able to put some muscle on him.  At the bottom are things that I could better control, e.g. appointing worthy individuals as my team captains, providing more academic support, etc.

You might have completely different ideas but I would be interested in your takes.

Embrace the pace of the race.
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